Good Shepherd Catholic Church
Stained glass by La Casa del Vitral. 2019. Copper foil and grisaille techniques.

Saint Michael Archangel
Stained glass by La Casa del Vitral. 2019. Copper foil and grisaille techniques.

Saint Leonardo
Stained glass by La Casa del Vitral. 2019. Copper foil and grisaille techniques.

Inmaculate Heart of Mary
Stained glass by La Casa del Vitral. 2019. Copper foil and grisaille techniques.

Jesus´ Sacred Heart
Stained glass by La Casa del Vitral. 2019. Copper foil and grisaille techniques.

Archangel Raphael
Stained glass by La Casa del Vitral. 2019. Copper foil and grisaille techniques.

Archangel Gabriel
Stained glass by La Casa del Vitral. 2019. Copper foil and grisaille techniques.