Good Shepherd Catholic Church

Stained glass by La Casa del Vitral. 2019. Copper foil and grisaille techniques.

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Saint Michael Archangel

Stained glass by La Casa del Vitral. 2019. Copper foil and grisaille techniques.

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Saint Leonardo

Stained glass by La Casa del Vitral. 2019. Copper foil and grisaille techniques.

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Inmaculate Heart of Mary

Stained glass by La Casa del Vitral. 2019. Copper foil and grisaille techniques.

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Jesus´ Sacred Heart

Stained glass by La Casa del Vitral. 2019. Copper foil and grisaille techniques.

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Archangel Raphael

Stained glass by La Casa del Vitral. 2019. Copper foil and grisaille techniques.

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Archangel Gabriel

Stained glass by La Casa del Vitral. 2019. Copper foil and grisaille techniques.